Welcome to my personal blog and knowledge register for topics about business intelligence and data in the Microsoft Azure universe! My name is Tom and I am originally from Germany, but relocated to Sweden a couple of years ago. Though I consider Stockholm my harbour, I recently discovered the digital nomad life for myself: Vancouver, Siena and Malaga has it been so far. If you know of any other cool destinations worth exploring for a couple of months, let me know!
Starting from front end development in Power BI as a data analyst, I dig deeper into data and tech as a business intelligence consultant. After a few different data consultancy firms from start-up to mid-sized and extra large, I started to take on some freelance gigs as well. Experiences include data architecture, data and BI engineering, data science as well as database administration. Industries I worked in are among others automotive, aerospace, recycling, health, sports and charities.
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or to follow me on Instagram.