how to add adventureworks sample to azure sql database.

Sometimes you need data to test, lab or to be able to try out new features. For this, Microsoft provides sample datasets such as AdventureWorks or WideWorldImporters that can be loaded into SQL databases. This blog post shows you how to populate an Azure SQL Database with the AdventureWorks sample data. There is a simple built-in feature during the creation process of an Azure SQL Database, but sometimes you need more data than what you get with the AdventureWorkLT sample:

AdventureWorksLT is a lightweight version and creates ten tables and three views to play around with:

In total, there are 32 rows in SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader and 542 rows in SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail, which might be enough in certain circumstances, though often they are not. Unfortunately, the heavier weight samples cannot be added during the database creation process in Azure and must instead be loaded in afterwards. One way to get the sample data into an Azure SQL Database is to first restore the sample database to SQL Server and subsequently deploy it to Azure SQL Database. If you don’t have the option to create a SQL Server, you can instead load a script into Azure SQL Database. This is what we will be doing in this tutorial.
- A Microsoft Azure Subscription
- SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
plan of action.
- Download the “AdventureWorks DW Scripts Zip” file
- Create an Azure SQL Database
- Create a Blob Storage Account
- Load in csv files into Blob Storage
- Run the scripts
Since Azure SQL Database does not support to import data from local folders, we need the Blob Storage. This might look like a bit of a hassle, but it’s less effort than it seems.
1. download the creation script.
In this tutorial, we are using the DW script version which you can download here.

When opening the zip, you will see a bunch of csv files and a SQL script. This script was written to import data into SQL Server and will not work for populating an Azure SQL Database. That is why, you should be using the scripts displayed in step 5. It is essentially the same script, I just aligned a few comments, added a connection to the Blob Storage, and split the script in two (the use database command does not work in Azure SQL Database).
2. create an azure sql database.
There are various ways to create an Azure SQL Database, i.e. PowerShell or ARM templates. Here, I will use the Azure portal:
a. Press Create a resource

b. Find the resource SQL Database

c. Fill in the details and settings and create the database

In this case, I configured the database to use the Basic plan. If you need more compute power, you can always upgrade the database later.
3. create a blob storage account.
a. Press Create a resource

b. Find the resource Storage account

c. Fill in the details and settings and create the Storage qccount (the default settings will do just fine)

4. load csv files into blob.
a. Go to resource > Storage Explorer > right click BLOB CONTAINERS > Create blob container

b. Create a blob container and refresh the container folder if necessary

c. Open Blob and click on the Upload button. Select the csv files and upload them.

Make sure to upload all csv files. Note: It might be worthy to first unpack the zip or to copy the csv files into another folder from where you can upload them into the Blob.

Leave the browser window with the Storage Account open. Later, we need to copy the URL and a token string to be able to connect to the Blob from the Azure SQL Database.
5. run the scripts.
a. Optional: (Re-)create the Azure SQL Database. In case, you have already created the database (see 2. Create an Azure SQL Database), this step is not needed. However, if you have a server already or if you would like to drop and recreate the database, this script might come in handy. Important: Before you run the script in SSMS, you need to activate SQLCMD Mode. For that, open a new query window in SSMS for the master database and select Query in the upper bar. Then activate SQLCMD Mode.

After, paste the subsequent script in this query window (master), set the variable name for your database and run the query.
/*======================================================================================== File: instadw_master.sql Summary: Creates the AdventureWorksDW sample database. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of the Microsoft SQL Server Code Samples. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. See these other materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples. All data in this database is ficticious. THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ============================================================================================ * HOW TO RUN THIS SCRIPT: * * 1. Open the script inside SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in the master database * * 2. Enable SQLCMD mode. (This option is in the Query menu) * * 3. Set variables for database name * */ :setvar DatabaseName "AdventureWorks" IF '$(DatabaseName)' IS NULL OR '$(DatabaseName)' = '' BEGIN RAISERROR(N'The variable DatabaseName must be defined.', 16, 127) WITH NOWAIT RETURN END; /* * * 4. Execute script in master database * */ SET NOCOUNT OFF; GO PRINT CONVERT(varchar(1000), @@VERSION); GO PRINT ''; PRINT 'Started - ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 121); GO -- **************************************** -- Drop Database -- **************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Dropping Database $(DatabaseName) if exists'; GO IF EXISTS (SELECT [name] FROM [master].[sys].[databases] WHERE [name] = N'$(DatabaseName)') DROP DATABASE $(DatabaseName); -- If the database has any other open connections close the network connection. IF @@ERROR = 3702 RAISERROR('$(DatabaseName) database cannot be dropped because there are still other open connections', 127, 127) WITH NOWAIT, LOG; GO -- **************************************** -- Create Database -- **************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Creating Database $(DatabaseName)'; GO CREATE DATABASE $(DatabaseName) (SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = 'Basic'); GO PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Checking for Database $(DatabaseName)'; /* CHECK FOR DATABASE IF IT DOESN'T EXISTS, DO NOT RUN THE REST OF THE SCRIPT */ IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'$(DatabaseName)') BEGIN PRINT '*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************' +char(10)+'********$(DatabaseName) Database does not exist. Make sure that the script is being run in SQLCMD mode and that the variables have been correctly set.*********' +char(10)+'*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************'; SET NOEXEC ON; END GO ALTER DATABASE $(DatabaseName) SET ANSI_NULLS ON, ANSI_PADDING ON, ANSI_WARNINGS ON, ARITHABORT ON, CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON, NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF, ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION OFF; GO PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Database $(DatabaseName) has succesfully been created. Continue with next script (instadw_dw.sql) '; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Ended - ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 121);
b. Create all tables and fill them with the data from the blob storage. Important: Before you run the script in SSMS, you need to activate SQLCMD Mode. For that, open a new query window in SSMS for the database that you would like to fill with the sample. After, select Query in the upper bar and activate SQLCMD Mode.

Now, paste the subsequent script into the query window.
/*======================================================================================== File: instadw_dw.sql Summary: Creates and fills all tables in the AdventureWorksDW sample database. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of the Microsoft SQL Server Code Samples. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. See these other materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples. All data in this database is ficticious. THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ============================================================================================ * HOW TO RUN THIS SCRIPT: * * 1. Open the script inside SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in the dw database * * 2. Enable SQLCMD mode. (This option is in the Query menu) * * 3. Set variables for blob storage: * */ :setvar SqlSamplesSourceDataPath '' -- important without slash at the end :setvar SASToken 'sv=YYYY-MM-DD&YourSASToken' -- important remove ? from the beginning of the string IF $(SqlSamplesSourceDataPath) IS NULL OR $(SqlSamplesSourceDataPath) = '' BEGIN RAISERROR(N'The variable SqlSamplesSourceDataPath must be defined.', 16, 127) WITH NOWAIT RETURN END; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Started - ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 121); GO -- **************************************** -- Create DDL Trigger for Database -- **************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Creating DDL Trigger for Database'; GO -- Create table to store database object creation messages -- *** WARNING: THIS TABLE IS INTENTIONALLY A HEAP - DO NOT ADD A PRIMARY KEY *** CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DatabaseLog]( [DatabaseLogID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [PostTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, [DatabaseUser] [sysname] NOT NULL, [Event] [sysname] NOT NULL, [Schema] [sysname] NULL, [Object] [sysname] NULL, [TSQL] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL, [XmlEvent] [xml] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TRIGGER [ddlDatabaseTriggerLog] ON DATABASE FOR DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTS AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @data XML; DECLARE @schema sysname; DECLARE @object sysname; DECLARE @eventType sysname; SET @data = EVENTDATA(); SET @eventType = @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/EventType)[1]', 'sysname'); SET @schema = @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/SchemaName)[1]', 'sysname'); SET @object = @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]', 'sysname') IF @object IS NOT NULL PRINT ' ' + @eventType + ' - ' + @schema + '.' + @object; ELSE PRINT ' ' + @eventType + ' - ' + @schema; IF @eventType IS NULL PRINT CONVERT(nvarchar(max), @data); INSERT [dbo].[DatabaseLog] ( [PostTime], [DatabaseUser], [Event], [Schema], [Object], [TSQL], [XmlEvent] ) VALUES ( GETDATE(), CONVERT(sysname, CURRENT_USER), @eventType, CONVERT(sysname, @schema), CONVERT(sysname, @object), @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), @data ); END; GO -- ****************************************************** -- Create User Defined Functions -- ****************************************************** -- Builds an ISO 8601 format date from a year, month, and day specified as integers. -- This format of date should parse correctly regardless of SET DATEFORMAT and SET LANGUAGE. -- See SQL Server Books Online for more details. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfBuildISO8601Date] (@year int, @month int, @day int) RETURNS datetime AS BEGIN RETURN cast(convert(varchar, @year) + '-' + [dbo].[udfTwoDigitZeroFill](@month) + '-' + [dbo].[udfTwoDigitZeroFill](@day) + 'T00:00:00' as datetime); END; GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfMinimumDate] ( @x DATETIME, @y DATETIME ) RETURNS DATETIME AS BEGIN DECLARE @z DATETIME IF @x <= @y SET @z = @x ELSE SET @z = @y RETURN(@z) END; GO -- Converts the specified integer (which should be < 100 and > -1) -- into a two character string, zero filling from the left -- if the number is < 10. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfTwoDigitZeroFill] (@number int) RETURNS char(2) AS BEGIN DECLARE @result char(2); IF @number > 9 SET @result = convert(char(2), @number); ELSE SET @result = convert(char(2), '0' + convert(varchar, @number)); RETURN @result; END; GO -- ****************************************************** -- Create tables -- ****************************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Creating Tables'; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AdventureWorksDWBuildVersion]( [DBVersion] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [VersionDate] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimAccount]( [AccountKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ParentAccountKey] [int] NULL, [AccountCodeAlternateKey] [int] NULL, [ParentAccountCodeAlternateKey] [int] NULL, [AccountDescription] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [AccountType] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [Operator] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [CustomMembers] [nvarchar](300) NULL, [ValueType] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [CustomMemberOptions] [nvarchar](200) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCurrency]( [CurrencyKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CurrencyAlternateKey] [nchar](3) NOT NULL, [CurrencyName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCustomer]( [CustomerKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [GeographyKey] [int] NULL, [CustomerAlternateKey] [nvarchar](15) NOT NULL, [Title] [nvarchar](8) NULL, [FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [MiddleName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [NameStyle] [bit] NULL, [BirthDate] [date] NULL, [MaritalStatus] [nchar](1) NULL, [Suffix] [nvarchar](10) NULL, [Gender] [nvarchar](1) NULL, [EmailAddress] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [YearlyIncome] [money] NULL, [TotalChildren] [tinyint] NULL, [NumberChildrenAtHome] [tinyint] NULL, [EnglishEducation] [nvarchar](40) NULL, [SpanishEducation] [nvarchar](40) NULL, [FrenchEducation] [nvarchar](40) NULL, [EnglishOccupation] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [SpanishOccupation] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [FrenchOccupation] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [HouseOwnerFlag] [nchar](1) NULL, [NumberCarsOwned] [tinyint] NULL, [AddressLine1] [nvarchar](120) NULL, [AddressLine2] [nvarchar](120) NULL, [Phone] [nvarchar](20) NULL, [DateFirstPurchase] [date] NULL, [CommuteDistance] [nvarchar](15) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimDate]( [DateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [FullDateAlternateKey] [date] NOT NULL, [DayNumberOfWeek] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [EnglishDayNameOfWeek] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [SpanishDayNameOfWeek] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [FrenchDayNameOfWeek] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [DayNumberOfMonth] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [DayNumberOfYear] [smallint] NOT NULL, [WeekNumberOfYear] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [EnglishMonthName] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [SpanishMonthName] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [FrenchMonthName] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [MonthNumberOfYear] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [CalendarQuarter] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [CalendarYear] [smallint] NOT NULL, [CalendarSemester] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [FiscalQuarter] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [FiscalYear] [smallint] NOT NULL, [FiscalSemester] [tinyint] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimDepartmentGroup]( [DepartmentGroupKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ParentDepartmentGroupKey] [int] NULL, [DepartmentGroupName] [nvarchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimEmployee]( [EmployeeKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ParentEmployeeKey] [int] NULL, [EmployeeNationalIDAlternateKey] [nvarchar](15) NULL, [ParentEmployeeNationalIDAlternateKey] [nvarchar](15) NULL, [SalesTerritoryKey] [int] NULL, [FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [LastName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [MiddleName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [NameStyle] [bit] NOT NULL, [Title] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [HireDate] [date] NULL, [BirthDate] [date] NULL, [LoginID] [nvarchar](256) NULL, [EmailAddress] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [Phone] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [MaritalStatus] [nchar](1) NULL, [EmergencyContactName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [EmergencyContactPhone] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [SalariedFlag] [bit] NULL, [Gender] [nchar](1) NULL, [PayFrequency] [tinyint] NULL, [BaseRate] [money] NULL, [VacationHours] [smallint] NULL, [SickLeaveHours] [smallint] NULL, [CurrentFlag] [bit] NOT NULL, [SalesPersonFlag] [bit] NOT NULL, [DepartmentName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [StartDate] [date] NULL, [EndDate] [date] NULL, [Status] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [EmployeePhoto] [varbinary](max) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimGeography]( [GeographyKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [City] [nvarchar](30) NULL, [StateProvinceCode] [nvarchar](3) NULL, [StateProvinceName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [CountryRegionCode] [nvarchar](3) NULL, [EnglishCountryRegionName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [SpanishCountryRegionName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [FrenchCountryRegionName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [PostalCode] [nvarchar](15) NULL, [SalesTerritoryKey] [int] NULL, [IpAddressLocator] [nvarchar](15) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimOrganization]( [OrganizationKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ParentOrganizationKey] [int] NULL, [PercentageOfOwnership] [nvarchar](16) NULL, [OrganizationName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [CurrencyKey] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimProduct]( [ProductKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProductAlternateKey] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [ProductSubcategoryKey] [int] NULL, [WeightUnitMeasureCode] [nchar](3) NULL, [SizeUnitMeasureCode] [nchar](3) NULL, [EnglishProductName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [SpanishProductName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [FrenchProductName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [StandardCost] [money] NULL, [FinishedGoodsFlag] [bit] NOT NULL, [Color] [nvarchar](15) NOT NULL, [SafetyStockLevel] [smallint] NULL, [ReorderPoint] [smallint] NULL, [ListPrice] [money] NULL, [Size] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [SizeRange] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [Weight] [float] NULL, [DaysToManufacture] [int] NULL, [ProductLine] [nchar](2) NULL, [DealerPrice] [money] NULL, [Class] [nchar](2) NULL, [Style] [nchar](2) NULL, [ModelName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [LargePhoto] [varbinary](max) NULL, [EnglishDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [FrenchDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [ChineseDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [ArabicDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [HebrewDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [ThaiDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [GermanDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [JapaneseDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [TurkishDescription] [nvarchar](400) NULL, [StartDate] [datetime] NULL, [EndDate] [datetime] NULL, [Status] [nvarchar](7) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimProductCategory]( [ProductCategoryKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProductCategoryAlternateKey] [int] NULL, [EnglishProductCategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [SpanishProductCategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [FrenchProductCategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory]( [ProductSubcategoryKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProductSubcategoryAlternateKey] [int] NULL, [EnglishProductSubcategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [SpanishProductSubcategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [FrenchProductSubcategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [ProductCategoryKey] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimPromotion]( [PromotionKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [PromotionAlternateKey] [int] NULL, [EnglishPromotionName] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [SpanishPromotionName] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [FrenchPromotionName] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [DiscountPct] [float] NULL, [EnglishPromotionType] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [SpanishPromotionType] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [FrenchPromotionType] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [EnglishPromotionCategory] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [SpanishPromotionCategory] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [FrenchPromotionCategory] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [StartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [EndDate] [datetime] NULL, [MinQty] [int] NULL, [MaxQty] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimReseller]( [ResellerKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [GeographyKey] [int] NULL, [ResellerAlternateKey] [nvarchar](15) NULL, [Phone] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [BusinessType] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [ResellerName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [NumberEmployees] [int] NULL, [OrderFrequency] [char](1) NULL, [OrderMonth] [tinyint] NULL, [FirstOrderYear] [int] NULL, [LastOrderYear] [int] NULL, [ProductLine] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [AddressLine1] [nvarchar](60) NULL, [AddressLine2] [nvarchar](60) NULL, [AnnualSales] [money] NULL, [BankName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [MinPaymentType] [tinyint] NULL, [MinPaymentAmount] [money] NULL, [AnnualRevenue] [money] NULL, [YearOpened] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimSalesReason]( [SalesReasonKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [SalesReasonAlternateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [SalesReasonName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [SalesReasonReasonType] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory]( [SalesTerritoryKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [SalesTerritoryAlternateKey] [int] NULL, [SalesTerritoryRegion] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [SalesTerritoryCountry] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [SalesTerritoryGroup] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [SalesTerritoryImage] [varbinary](max) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimScenario]( [ScenarioKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ScenarioName] [nvarchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactAdditionalInternationalProductDescription]( [ProductKey] [int] NOT NULL, [CultureName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [ProductDescription] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactCallCenter]( [FactCallCenterID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [DateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [WageType] [nvarchar](15) NOT NULL, [Shift] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL, [LevelOneOperators] [smallint] NOT NULL, [LevelTwoOperators] [smallint] NOT NULL, [TotalOperators] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Calls] [int] NOT NULL, [AutomaticResponses] [int] NOT NULL, [Orders] [int] NOT NULL, [IssuesRaised] [smallint] NOT NULL, [AverageTimePerIssue] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ServiceGrade] [float] NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactCurrencyRate]( [CurrencyKey] [int] NOT NULL, [DateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [AverageRate] [float] NOT NULL, [EndOfDayRate] [float] NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactFinance]( [FinanceKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [DateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [OrganizationKey] [int] NOT NULL, [DepartmentGroupKey] [int] NOT NULL, [ScenarioKey] [int] NOT NULL, [AccountKey] [int] NOT NULL, [Amount] [float] NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSales]( [ProductKey] [int] NOT NULL, [OrderDateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [DueDateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [ShipDateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [CustomerKey] [int] NOT NULL, [PromotionKey] [int] NOT NULL, [CurrencyKey] [int] NOT NULL, [SalesTerritoryKey] [int] NOT NULL, [SalesOrderNumber] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL, [SalesOrderLineNumber] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [RevisionNumber] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [OrderQuantity] [smallint] NOT NULL, [UnitPrice] [money] NOT NULL, [ExtendedAmount] [money] NOT NULL, [UnitPriceDiscountPct] [float] NOT NULL, [DiscountAmount] [float] NOT NULL, [ProductStandardCost] [money] NOT NULL, [TotalProductCost] [money] NOT NULL, [SalesAmount] [money] NOT NULL, [TaxAmt] [money] NOT NULL, [Freight] [money] NOT NULL, [CarrierTrackingNumber] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [CustomerPONumber] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [OrderDate] [datetime] NULL, [DueDate] [datetime] NULL, [ShipDate] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSalesReason]( [SalesOrderNumber] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL, [SalesOrderLineNumber] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [SalesReasonKey] [int] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactProductInventory]( [ProductKey] [int] NOT NULL, [DateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [MovementDate] [date] NOT NULL, [UnitCost] [money] NOT NULL, [UnitsIn] [int] NOT NULL, [UnitsOut] [int] NOT NULL, [UnitsBalance] [int] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactResellerSales]( [ProductKey] [int] NOT NULL, [OrderDateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [DueDateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [ShipDateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [ResellerKey] [int] NOT NULL, [EmployeeKey] [int] NOT NULL, [PromotionKey] [int] NOT NULL, [CurrencyKey] [int] NOT NULL, [SalesTerritoryKey] [int] NOT NULL, [SalesOrderNumber] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL, [SalesOrderLineNumber] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [RevisionNumber] [tinyint] NULL, [OrderQuantity] [smallint] NULL, [UnitPrice] [money] NULL, [ExtendedAmount] [money] NULL, [UnitPriceDiscountPct] [float] NULL, [DiscountAmount] [float] NULL, [ProductStandardCost] [money] NULL, [TotalProductCost] [money] NULL, [SalesAmount] [money] NULL, [TaxAmt] [money] NULL, [Freight] [money] NULL, [CarrierTrackingNumber] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [CustomerPONumber] [nvarchar](25) NULL, [OrderDate] [datetime] NULL, [DueDate] [datetime] NULL, [ShipDate] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesQuota]( [SalesQuotaKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [EmployeeKey] [int] NOT NULL, [DateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [CalendarYear] [smallint] NOT NULL, [CalendarQuarter] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [SalesAmountQuota] [money] NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactSurveyResponse]( [SurveyResponseKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [DateKey] [int] NOT NULL, [CustomerKey] [int] NOT NULL, [ProductCategoryKey] [int] NOT NULL, [EnglishProductCategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [ProductSubcategoryKey] [int] NOT NULL, [EnglishProductSubcategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NewFactCurrencyRate]( [AverageRate] [real] NULL, [CurrencyID] [nvarchar](3) NULL, [CurrencyDate] [date] NULL, [EndOfDayRate] [real] NULL, [CurrencyKey] [int] NULL, [DateKey] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProspectiveBuyer]( [ProspectiveBuyerKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProspectAlternateKey] [nvarchar](15) NULL, [FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [MiddleName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [BirthDate] [datetime] NULL, [MaritalStatus] [nchar](1) NULL, [Gender] [nvarchar](1) NULL, [EmailAddress] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [YearlyIncome] [money] NULL, [TotalChildren] [tinyint] NULL, [NumberChildrenAtHome] [tinyint] NULL, [Education] [nvarchar](40) NULL, [Occupation] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [HouseOwnerFlag] [nchar](1) NULL, [NumberCarsOwned] [tinyint] NULL, [AddressLine1] [nvarchar](120) NULL, [AddressLine2] [nvarchar](120) NULL, [City] [nvarchar](30) NULL, [StateProvinceCode] [nvarchar](3) NULL, [PostalCode] [nvarchar](15) NULL, [Phone] [nvarchar](20) NULL, [Salutation] [nvarchar](8) NULL, [Unknown] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams]( [name] [sysname] NOT NULL, [principal_id] [int] NOT NULL, [diagram_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [version] [int] NULL, [definition] [varbinary](max) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @value=1 , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'sysdiagrams' GO -- ****************************************************** -- Establish connection to blob storage -- ****************************************************** IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.external_data_sources WHERE name = 'MyAzureBlobStorage' ) BEGIN DROP EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE MyAzureBlobStorage; END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_credentials WHERE name = 'MyAzureBlobStorageCredential' ) BEGIN DROP DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL MyAzureBlobStorageCredential; END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.symmetric_keys ) BEGIN DROP MASTER KEY; END CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'SomeStrongPassword123!'; GO CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL MyAzureBlobStorageCredential WITH IDENTITY = 'SHARED ACCESS SIGNATURE', SECRET = $(SASToken); GO CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE MyAzureBlobStorage WITH ( TYPE = BLOB_STORAGE, LOCATION = $(SqlSamplesSourceDataPath), CREDENTIAL= MyAzureBlobStorageCredential); GO -- ****************************************************** -- Load data -- ****************************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Loading Data'; GO PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[AdventureWorksDWBuildVersion]'; INSERT INTO [dbo].[AdventureWorksDWBuildVersion] VALUES ( CONVERT(nvarchar(50), SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')), CONVERT(datetime, SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceLastUpdateDateTime'))); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimAccount]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimAccount] FROM 'DimAccount.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, -- CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE = 'widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR= '|', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimCurrency]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimCurrency] FROM 'DimCurrency.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, -- CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE = 'widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR= '|', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimCustomer]'; BULK INSERT[dbo].[DimCustomer] FROM 'DimCustomer.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, -- CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimDate]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimDate] FROM 'DimDate.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimDepartmentGroup]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimDepartmentGroup] FROM 'DimDepartmentGroup.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimEmployee]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimEmployee] FROM 'DimEmployee.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, -- CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimGeography]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimGeography] FROM 'DimGeography.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimOrganization]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimOrganization] FROM 'DimOrganization.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimProduct]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimProduct] FROM 'DimProduct.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimProductCategory]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimProductCategory] FROM 'DimProductCategory.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] FROM 'DimProductSubcategory.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimPromotion]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimPromotion] FROM 'DimPromotion.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimReseller]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimReseller] FROM 'DimReseller.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimSalesReason]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimSalesReason] FROM 'DimSalesReason.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] FROM 'DimSalesTerritory.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[DimScenario]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[DimScenario] FROM 'DimScenario.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactAdditionalInternationalProductDescription]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactAdditionalInternationalProductDescription] FROM 'FactAdditionalInternationalProductDescription.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactCallCenter]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactCallCenter] FROM 'FactCallCenter.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactCurrencyRate]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactCurrencyRate] FROM 'FactCurrencyRate.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactFinance]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactFinance] FROM 'FactFinance.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactInternetSales]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactInternetSales] FROM 'FactInternetSales.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactInternetSalesReason] '; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactInternetSalesReason] FROM 'FactInternetSalesReason.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactProductInventory]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactProductInventory] FROM 'FactProductInventory.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactResellerSales]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactResellerSales] FROM 'FactResellerSales.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --ODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactSalesQuota]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactSalesQuota] FROM 'FactSalesQuota.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[FactSurveyResponse]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[FactSurveyResponse] FROM 'FactSurveyResponse.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, -- CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[NewFactCurrencyRate]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[NewFactCurrencyRate] FROM 'NewFactCurrencyRate.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[ProspectiveBuyer]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[ProspectiveBuyer] FROM 'ProspectiveBuyer.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Loading [dbo].[sysdiagrams]'; BULK INSERT [dbo].[sysdiagrams] FROM 'sysdiagrams.csv' WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, --CODEPAGE='ACP', DATAFILETYPE='widechar', FIELDTERMINATOR='|', ROWTERMINATOR='\n', KEEPIDENTITY, TABLOCK ); -- ****************************************************** -- Add Primary Keys -- ****************************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Adding Primary Keys'; GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON; ALTER TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK__sysdiagr__C2B05B616B24EA82] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [diagram_id] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAccount] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimAccount] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [AccountKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCurrency] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCurrency_CurrencyKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CurrencyKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCustomer] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCustomer_CustomerKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CustomerKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimDate] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimDate_DateKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [DateKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimDepartmentGroup] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimDepartmentGroup] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [DepartmentGroupKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimEmployee] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimEmployee_EmployeeKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [EmployeeKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimGeography] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimGeography_GeographyKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [GeographyKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimOrganization] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimOrganization] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [OrganizationKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProduct] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimProduct_ProductKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProductKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProductCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimProductCategory_ProductCategoryKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProductCategoryKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProductSubcategoryKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimPromotion] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimPromotion_PromotionKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [PromotionKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimReseller] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimReseller_ResellerKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ResellerKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimSalesReason] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimSalesReason_SalesReasonKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SalesReasonKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DatabaseLog] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DatabaseLog_DatabaseLogID] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [DatabaseLogID] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimSalesTerritory_SalesTerritoryKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SalesTerritoryKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimScenario] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_DimScenario] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ScenarioKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactAdditionalInternationalProductDescription] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactAdditionalInternationalProductDescription_ProductKey_CultureName] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProductKey],[CultureName] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactCallCenter] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactCallCenter_FactCallCenterID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [FactCallCenterID] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactCurrencyRate] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactCurrencyRate_CurrencyKey_DateKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CurrencyKey], [DateKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSales] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactInternetSales_SalesOrderNumber_SalesOrderLineNumber] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SalesOrderNumber], [SalesOrderLineNumber] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSalesReason] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactInternetSalesReason_SalesOrderNumber_SalesOrderLineNumber_SalesReasonKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SalesOrderNumber], [SalesOrderLineNumber], [SalesReasonKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactProductInventory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactProductInventory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProductKey], [DateKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactResellerSales] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactResellerSales_SalesOrderNumber_SalesOrderLineNumber] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SalesOrderNumber], [SalesOrderLineNumber] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesQuota] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactSalesQuota_SalesQuotaKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SalesQuotaKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSurveyResponse] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_FactSurveyResponse_SurveyResponseKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SurveyResponseKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProspectiveBuyer] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_ProspectiveBuyer_ProspectiveBuyerKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProspectiveBuyerKey] ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO -- ****************************************************** -- Add Indexes -- ****************************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Adding Indexes'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [AK_DimCurrency_CurrencyAlternateKey] ON [dbo].[DimCurrency]([CurrencyAlternateKey]) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_DimCustomer_CustomerAlternateKey] ON [dbo].[DimCustomer]([CustomerAlternateKey]) ON [PRIMARY]; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [AK_DimDate_FullDateAlternateKey] ON [dbo].[DimDate]( [FullDateAlternateKey]) ON [PRIMARY]; GO /****** Object: Index [AK_DimProduct_ProductAlternateKey_StartDate] Script Date: 7/8/2016 2:39:08 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProduct] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_DimProduct_ProductAlternateKey_StartDate] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [ProductAlternateKey] ASC, [StartDate] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) GO /****** Object: Index [AK_DimProductCategory_ProductCategoryAlternateKey] Script Date: 7/8/2016 2:40:13 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProductCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_DimProductCategory_ProductCategoryAlternateKey] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [ProductCategoryAlternateKey] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) GO /****** Object: Index [AK_DimProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryAlternateKey] Script Date: 7/8/2016 2:40:37 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_DimProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryAlternateKey] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [ProductSubcategoryAlternateKey] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) GO /****** Object: Index [AK_DimPromotion_PromotionAlternateKey] Script Date: 7/8/2016 2:41:46 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimPromotion] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_DimPromotion_PromotionAlternateKey] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [PromotionAlternateKey] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) GO /****** Object: Index [AK_DimReseller_ResellerAlternateKey] Script Date: 7/8/2016 2:42:07 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimReseller] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_DimReseller_ResellerAlternateKey] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [ResellerAlternateKey] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) GO /****** Object: Index [AK_DimSalesTerritory_SalesTerritoryAlternateKey] Script Date: 7/8/2016 2:43:13 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_DimSalesTerritory_SalesTerritoryAlternateKey] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [SalesTerritoryAlternateKey] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) GO /****** Object: Index [AK_FactCallCenter_DateKey_Shift] Script Date: 7/8/2016 2:43:49 PM ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactCallCenter] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_FactCallCenter_DateKey_Shift] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [DateKey] ASC, [Shift] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UK_principal_name] ON [dbo].[sysdiagrams]([principal_id], [name]) ON [PRIMARY]; GO -- **************************************** -- Create Foreign key constraints -- **************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Creating Foreign Key Constraints'; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimAccount] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimAccount_DimAccount] FOREIGN KEY ( [ParentAccountKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimAccount] ([AccountKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCustomer] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCustomer_DimGeography] FOREIGN KEY ( [GeographyKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimGeography] ([GeographyKey]) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimDepartmentGroup] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimDepartmentGroup_DimDepartmentGroup] FOREIGN KEY ( [ParentDepartmentGroupKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDepartmentGroup] ([DepartmentGroupKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimEmployee] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimEmployee_DimSalesTerritory] FOREIGN KEY ( [SalesTerritoryKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] ([SalesTerritoryKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_DimEmployee_DimEmployee] FOREIGN KEY ( [ParentEmployeeKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimEmployee] ([EmployeeKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimGeography] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimGeography_DimSalesTerritory] FOREIGN KEY ( [SalesTerritoryKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] ([SalesTerritoryKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimOrganization] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimOrganization_DimCurrency] FOREIGN KEY ( [CurrencyKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCurrency] ([CurrencyKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_DimOrganization_DimOrganization] FOREIGN KEY ( [ParentOrganizationKey] )REFERENCES [dbo].[DimOrganization] ([OrganizationKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProduct] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimProduct_DimProductSubcategory] FOREIGN KEY ( [ProductSubcategoryKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] ([ProductSubcategoryKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimProductSubcategory_DimProductCategory] FOREIGN KEY ( [ProductCategoryKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimProductCategory] ([ProductCategoryKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimReseller] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimReseller_DimGeography] FOREIGN KEY ( [GeographyKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimGeography] ([GeographyKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactCallCenter] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactCallCenter_DimDate] FOREIGN KEY ( [DateKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactCurrencyRate] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactCurrencyRate_DimDate] FOREIGN KEY ( [DateKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactCurrencyRate_DimCurrency] FOREIGN KEY ( [CurrencyKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCurrency] ([CurrencyKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactFinance] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactFinance_DimScenario] FOREIGN KEY ( [ScenarioKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimScenario] ([ScenarioKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactFinance_DimOrganization] FOREIGN KEY ( [OrganizationKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimOrganization] ([OrganizationKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactFinance_DimDepartmentGroup] FOREIGN KEY ( [DepartmentGroupKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDepartmentGroup] ([DepartmentGroupKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactFinance_DimDate] FOREIGN KEY ( [DateKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactFinance_DimAccount] FOREIGN KEY ( [AccountKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimAccount] ([AccountKey]) ; GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSales] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimCurrency] FOREIGN KEY ( [CurrencyKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCurrency] ([CurrencyKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimCustomer] FOREIGN KEY ( [CustomerKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCustomer] ([CustomerKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimDate] FOREIGN KEY ( [OrderDateKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimDate1] FOREIGN KEY ( [DueDateKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimDate2] FOREIGN KEY ( [ShipDateKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimProduct] FOREIGN KEY ( [ProductKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimProduct] ([ProductKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimPromotion] FOREIGN KEY ( [PromotionKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimPromotion] ([PromotionKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSales_DimSalesTerritory] FOREIGN KEY ( [SalesTerritoryKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] ([SalesTerritoryKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSalesReason] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSalesReason_FactInternetSales] FOREIGN KEY ( [SalesOrderNumber], [SalesOrderLineNumber] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[FactInternetSales] ([SalesOrderNumber], [SalesOrderLineNumber]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactInternetSalesReason_DimSalesReason] FOREIGN KEY ( [SalesReasonKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSalesReason] ([SalesReasonKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactProductInventory] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactProductInventory_DimDate] FOREIGN KEY ( [DateKey] )REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactProductInventory_DimProduct] FOREIGN KEY ( [ProductKey] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimProduct] ([ProductKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactResellerSales] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimCurrency] FOREIGN KEY([CurrencyKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCurrency] ([CurrencyKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimDate] FOREIGN KEY([OrderDateKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimDate1] FOREIGN KEY([DueDateKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimDate2] FOREIGN KEY([ShipDateKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimEmployee] FOREIGN KEY([EmployeeKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimEmployee] ([EmployeeKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimProduct] FOREIGN KEY([ProductKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimProduct] ([ProductKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimPromotion] FOREIGN KEY([PromotionKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimPromotion] ([PromotionKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimReseller] FOREIGN KEY([ResellerKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimReseller] ([ResellerKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactResellerSales_DimSalesTerritory] FOREIGN KEY([SalesTerritoryKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] ([SalesTerritoryKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesQuota] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesQuota_DimEmployee] FOREIGN KEY([EmployeeKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimEmployee] ([EmployeeKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesQuota_DimDate] FOREIGN KEY([DateKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]); GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSurveyResponse] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSurveyResponse_DateKey] FOREIGN KEY([DateKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([DateKey]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSurveyResponse_CustomerKey] FOREIGN KEY([CustomerKey]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCustomer] ([CustomerKey]); GO -- ****************************************************** -- Add database views. -- ****************************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Creating Table Views'; GO -- vDMPrep will be used as a data source by the other data mining views. -- Uses DW data at customer, product, day, etc. granularity and -- gets region, model, year, month, etc. CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vDMPrep] AS SELECT pc.[EnglishProductCategoryName] ,Coalesce(p.[ModelName], p.[EnglishProductName]) AS [Model] ,c.[CustomerKey] ,s.[SalesTerritoryGroup] AS [Region] ,CASE WHEN Month(GetDate()) < Month(c.[BirthDate]) THEN DateDiff(yy,c.[BirthDate],GetDate()) - 1 WHEN Month(GetDate()) = Month(c.[BirthDate]) AND Day(GetDate()) < Day(c.[BirthDate]) THEN DateDiff(yy,c.[BirthDate],GetDate()) - 1 ELSE DateDiff(yy,c.[BirthDate],GetDate()) END AS [Age] ,CASE WHEN c.[YearlyIncome] < 40000 THEN 'Low' WHEN c.[YearlyIncome] > 60000 THEN 'High' ELSE 'Moderate' END AS [IncomeGroup] ,d.[CalendarYear] ,d.[FiscalYear] ,d.[MonthNumberOfYear] AS [Month] ,f.[SalesOrderNumber] AS [OrderNumber] ,f.SalesOrderLineNumber AS LineNumber ,f.OrderQuantity AS Quantity ,f.ExtendedAmount AS Amount FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] f INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimDate] d ON f.[OrderDateKey] = d.[DateKey] INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimProduct] p ON f.[ProductKey] = p.[ProductKey] INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimProductSubcategory] psc ON p.[ProductSubcategoryKey] = psc.[ProductSubcategoryKey] INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimProductCategory] pc ON psc.[ProductCategoryKey] = pc.[ProductCategoryKey] INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimCustomer] c ON f.[CustomerKey] = c.[CustomerKey] INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimGeography] g ON c.[GeographyKey] = g.[GeographyKey] INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] s ON g.[SalesTerritoryKey] = s.[SalesTerritoryKey] ; GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[vTimeSeries] Script Date: 7/8/2016 3:09:56 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- vTimeSeries view supports the creation of time series data mining models. -- - Replaces earlier bike models with successor models. -- - Abbreviates model names to improve readability in mining model viewer -- - Concatenates model and region so that table only has one input. -- - Creates a date field indexed to monthly reporting date for use in prediction. CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vTimeSeries] AS SELECT CASE [Model] WHEN 'Mountain-100' THEN 'M200' WHEN 'Road-150' THEN 'R250' WHEN 'Road-650' THEN 'R750' WHEN 'Touring-1000' THEN 'T1000' ELSE Left([Model], 1) + Right([Model], 3) END + ' ' + [Region] AS [ModelRegion] ,(Convert(Integer, [CalendarYear]) * 100) + Convert(Integer, [Month]) AS [TimeIndex] ,Sum([Quantity]) AS [Quantity] ,Sum([Amount]) AS [Amount] ,CalendarYear ,[Month] ,[dbo].[udfBuildISO8601Date] ([CalendarYear], [Month], 25) as ReportingDate FROM [dbo].[vDMPrep] WHERE [Model] IN ('Mountain-100', 'Mountain-200', 'Road-150', 'Road-250', 'Road-650', 'Road-750', 'Touring-1000') GROUP BY CASE [Model] WHEN 'Mountain-100' THEN 'M200' WHEN 'Road-150' THEN 'R250' WHEN 'Road-650' THEN 'R750' WHEN 'Touring-1000' THEN 'T1000' ELSE Left(Model,1) + Right(Model,3) END + ' ' + [Region] ,(Convert(Integer, [CalendarYear]) * 100) + Convert(Integer, [Month]) ,CalendarYear ,[Month] ,[dbo].[udfBuildISO8601Date] ([CalendarYear], [Month], 25); GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[vTargetMail] Script Date: 7/8/2016 3:09:56 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- vTargetMail supports targeted mailing data model -- Uses vDMPrep to determine if a customer buys a bike and joins to DimCustomer CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vTargetMail] AS SELECT c.[CustomerKey], c.[GeographyKey], c.[CustomerAlternateKey], c.[Title], c.[FirstName], c.[MiddleName], c.[LastName], c.[NameStyle], c.[BirthDate], c.[MaritalStatus], c.[Suffix], c.[Gender], c.[EmailAddress], c.[YearlyIncome], c.[TotalChildren], c.[NumberChildrenAtHome], c.[EnglishEducation], c.[SpanishEducation], c.[FrenchEducation], c.[EnglishOccupation], c.[SpanishOccupation], c.[FrenchOccupation], c.[HouseOwnerFlag], c.[NumberCarsOwned], c.[AddressLine1], c.[AddressLine2], c.[Phone], c.[DateFirstPurchase], c.[CommuteDistance], x.[Region], x.[Age], CASE x.[Bikes] WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS [BikeBuyer] FROM [dbo].[DimCustomer] c INNER JOIN ( SELECT [CustomerKey] ,[Region] ,[Age] ,Sum( CASE [EnglishProductCategoryName] WHEN 'Bikes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Bikes] FROM [dbo].[vDMPrep] GROUP BY [CustomerKey] ,[Region] ,[Age] ) AS [x] ON c.[CustomerKey] = x.[CustomerKey] ; GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[vAssocSeqOrders] Script Date: 7/8/2016 3:09:56 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /* vAssocSeqOrders supports assocation and sequence clustering data mmining models. - Limits data to FY2004. - Creates order case table and line item nested table.*/ CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vAssocSeqOrders] AS SELECT DISTINCT OrderNumber, CustomerKey, Region, IncomeGroup FROM dbo.vDMPrep WHERE (FiscalYear = '2013') GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[vAssocSeqLineItems] Script Date: 7/8/2016 3:09:56 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vAssocSeqLineItems] AS SELECT OrderNumber, LineNumber, Model FROM dbo.vDMPrep WHERE (FiscalYear = '2013') GO -- **************************************** -- Drop DDL Trigger for Database -- **************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Disabling DDL Trigger for Database'; GO DISABLE TRIGGER [ddlDatabaseTriggerLog] ON DATABASE; GO -- ****************************************************** -- drop connection to blob storage -- ****************************************************** PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Dropping Connection to Blob Storage'; GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.external_data_sources WHERE name = 'MyAzureBlobStorage' ) BEGIN DROP EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE MyAzureBlobStorage; END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_credentials WHERE name = 'MyAzureBlobStorageCredential' ) BEGIN DROP DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL MyAzureBlobStorageCredential; END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.symmetric_keys ) BEGIN DROP MASTER KEY; END PRINT ''; PRINT '*** Tables in Database have succesfully been created and filled '; PRINT ''; PRINT 'Ended - ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 121); SET NOEXEC OFF
Before running the script, the variable names for the folder path and the token string need to be updated.
i. Blob Storage Folder Path:
setvar SqlSamplesSourceDataPath '' -- important without slash at the end
Go back to the Storage Account window, open the Storage Explorer and navigate to your blob container. Then click on Copy URL.

Paste the URL into the placeholder of the variable :setvar SqlSamplesSourceDataPath, but make sure to remove everything after the name of the blob folder (including “/” slash). For this tutorial my URL would look like this:

ii. Token String:
:setvar SASToken 'sv=YYYY-MM-DD&YourSASToken' -- important remove ? from the beginning of the string
Now, in the Storage Account open Shared access signature under the submenu Security + networking. Allow the resource type Object and press the Generate SAS and connection string button:

Copy the SAS token to your clipboard and paste it into the placeholder of the variable :setvar SASToken. Make sure to remove the question mark from the beginning of the string.

Finally, run the script! Note: The script execution can take a few minutes!
You would probably like to clean up your resources, i.e. delete the Storage Account. Otherwise, have fun with your data!
I feel this is one of the so much significant info for me.
And i’m glad reading your article. However wanna statement on few general things,
The web site style is great, the articles is actually great : D.
Just right activity, cheers
Thank you for your kind words! :)
This is such a helpful post – thank you so much! I’m really excited to have this done because I can now start creating my own Power BI training materials – connecting to this as a sample dataset.
Hi Robert,
Thanks so much for your kind words!
That is exactly what I had in mind, when I created the post. Also, some of the training materials that are already out there refer to the AdventureWorks database, too. With the data in an Azure SQL Database, one can just follow and repeat the steps of the training.